Friday, November 4, 2011

Credentials: Check Mine Out

                                       Credentials: Check Mine Out

                                        To See My Potential

                                    Written By Ki Radiance


                                “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                            (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                             Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     I’m a God-fearing woman who is very determined to reach my goals.  I’m

a woman who never gives up on anything.  When I was in the eighth grade I

became interested in writing, so everyday and night I committed myself to

writing different pieces of literature that was inspirational and motivational.

I displayed my literature in newspapers, magazines, read pieces at schools

and churches, on the radio, and many other places.  I’ve written a book and

got it published.  If I’ve touched at least one person’s heart with my

literature, I’ve done my job God called me to do My literature is written to

educate, not just to entertain.  That’s one credential I have which I hold close

to my heart.  I always say, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, because we

may miss out on precious things and time we can’t get back.  At my job, (AMC

Theaters) I’ve given my wheelchair to people who fell down.

     One day a woman fell in one of the Theaters and they didn’t have any

wheelchairs there.  A manager came out in the hall and stood next to me

telling me what happened.  Immediately I said, “Here take my wheelchair.”

He surprisingly asked, “What about you baby?”  I responded, ”I’ll be okay,

God gave me the ability to walk and the heart to give away when there’s

a need.”  Many people tell me my smile brightens their days.  Some people

tell me I have a GLOW about myself.  I refer to that being, (God’s Labor

Of Wisdom).  They say when I smile, the world smiles with me.  Some people

asked, “Why do I smile all the time?”  I simply say, “Because God hasn’t

given me a reason to frown.”  My credential is I trust God and I give all my

worries and concerns to Him..  God wants to see credentials of Himself in my

heart, then I’ll have potential to continue growing as His daughter.  I display

credentials of Jesus Christ, who is the image of God. (Thinking of other people before

myself, listening to my parents, serving people, sacrificing what I have for other people’s

benefit.  It’s all about reflections and that’s what God expects from us, to see reflections of

Himself in us.

     My credentials reflect my potentials.  So all this is saying is actions speak louder than words

and I persist to move my actions in footsteps of Christ, which will prove I love God because

that’s what He asks.  To live by the ten commandments..  My credential is, “I can do all things

through Christ who strengthens me.”  (Philippians 4:13).  My potential is to, “Walk by faith, not

by sight.”  (2 Corinthians 5:7) So my credential is storing my treasures up in heaven, where they

won’t spoil, rot, or fade away.  (Deuteronomy 32:34) My potential reaches high as the sky where

God is.  My credentials stick close to His expectations.  When you check them out, you’ll see

my potential.

                                                            Ki Radiance
                                                       Friday November 4, 2011
                                                        2:29 p.m. ℄ Copyright- All Rights Reserved