Tuesday, June 20, 2017

From Playgrounds To Holy Grounds

                     From Playgrounds
                         Holy Grounds

                 Written By Ki Radiance


           "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

        (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

        Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

We presently live on play grounds where we're supposed to learn

intense lessons of how to live.  We'll be judged in the next life when

our Savior, (Jesus Christ) returns and teaches returns and teaches

us how to live.  This world is our play ground where we get our heads

bumped where we, again, learn how to live.  We grow from play grounds

to holy ground through experience, because experience is the best teacher.

From every tragedy we experience, we call on God's name, even those people

who don't believe in God.  From play grounds to holy grounds, we either experience

growth or we decline.  Just because we won't be judged in this life, we still have to

get through this life.  This life is nothing to play with, because God has taken his

hands off of this world, because he can't associate with darkness.  We desperately

need to know what we would have in him.  He is love.  This world is a school for

the spirit.  We're in the flesh to train the spirit.  So it's our choice what ground we

want to stand on.  Play grounds or holy grounds.

    Ki Radiance

 Monday June 19, 2017

10:35 p.m. c-Copyright-All Rights Reserve

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