Thursday, August 31, 2017

The World's Probations

             The World's Probations

               Written By Ki Radiance


           "Sunshine, DEEP & SMILE  

     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


     Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Our world stands in these positions  everyday: Probations.  Since

the beginning of time with Adam and Eve, with them eating an apple

from the tree in the midst of the garden of Eden.  That set off the world's

probations.  Sin is the world's probation.  When some people kill, there are

probations, because God commands, "Thou shall not kill, (Exodus 20:13)

There are some people who has other gods before our Heavenly Father

God Almighty.  When God says, "Thou shall not have no other gods before

me."  Some people do have other gods before our Heavenly Father God,

which is a probation.  Our world is full of them.  We can't compare probation

with freedom, because we never experienced freedom.  Our world will always

have probations as long as Satan sits on the throne.  The world will always

have probations until Jesus returns and puts the last sin, (Death) under his


                  Ki Radiance
          Sunday August 20, 2017
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