Thursday, October 8, 2020

Write To Read

                 Write To Read

       Written By Ki Radiance


“Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

  God blessed me with a talent in writing to glorify him.  Each

piece can be backed up with scripture because God’s word is 

written on my heart.  I only write about God because he’s the only 

thing worth writing about.  My literature is deep because that’s

the depth of my searchings for God are.  I write to read God’s 

word.  I confess I didn’t like reading the Bible, but I’m so grateful 

God chose me to love reading the Bible through my talent in writing.

Everyday I write, which enables me to read God’s word everyday.

I’m determined to educate with my literature, not entertain, an

there’s nothing to laugh about.  I write to read the, (BIBLE) because 

it delivers, “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.”  

     God wants me to find him, because I’m hungry to change the world.

I will find God because my literature takes me all through thej God’s 

word.  God says he who finds me loves his own soul.  I’m blessed 

because God’s blessed me with another connection to him.  My

literature is deep because I can’t stand shallowness.  If my literature doesn’t 

make people stop and think about actions they perform and words

they speak, I haven’t done my job God called me to do.  I want to change 

the world before I leave it.  I use my talent in writing to glorify God.  I 

give back to God what he’s blessed me with.  That’s one of the gifts I 

give God.  I know it can’t surpass the gifts he gives me, but this is

the reason why God’s blessed me with a talent in writing, to read

his word.

             Ki Radiance 

            Wednesday October 7, 2020

            8:19 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved