Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Not How We Stand, But How We’re Remembered

                          Not How We Stand


                       How We’re Remembered 


                       Written By Ki Radiance 


     Standing as being any force in the world

isn’t as powerful and influential as how we’re 

remembered.  I’m a positive person who exudes 

positive actions from myself.  When I woke from 

a coma I was in for three months after I was hit

 by a car, I adopted positivity and happiness into 

my heart.  I always have a smile on my face.  Some

people always asks me why do I always have a smile on 

my face?  I simply tell them, “Because God hasn’t 

given me a reason to frown.”   Because he says to

give him all my worries and concerns.  (1 Peter 5:7)

Give all your worries and concerns to God, for he

cares about you.  

‘It’s not about how we stand, but how we’re remembered.

A lady at a job I used to work at fell in a theater.  A manager

stood next to me and casually told me what happened.

With me knowing we didn’t have any wheelchairs because 

some people stole ours, I immediately said, “Here take my

wheelchair.”  He surprisingly asked me, “What about you 

baby?”  I confidently answered, “I’ll be okay, God gave me

the ability to walk, and the heat to give away when there’s 

a need.”  He responded. “Oh, bless your heart. It’s not how

we stand, but how we’re remembered.”  Sad to say, we all

have an expiration day. which most people dread to think about.

They may feel this way because they’d be absent from this 

world.  They’d be away from their family and friends.  They 

have to consider being done with this destructive world.  Life 

is a school for the spirit.  So it’s not about how we stand, but 

how we’re  remembered.

      Sad to say, we all have an expiration date, which most people

 dread to think about.  They’d be away from their family and friends.  

They have to consider being done with this destructive world.  Life is

a school for the spirit.  So it’s not about how we stand, but how we’re

 remembered.  In the after life, we’ll be judged on our educations we learned

 from our previous lives, carried over to the after life.  It’s not about how we 

live, but how we’re remembered.  So we should be careful with 

actions we perform and words we speak, because we’ll be 

remembered by them.

               Ki Radiance

              Sunday January 21, 2021

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