Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Opened Eyes To Realize Our Desperation

Opened EyesTo

Realize The Truth 

Written By Ki Radiance


“Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

Our eyes are and can be even more lethal towards

us accomplishing goals we wan to accomplish.  It’s 

sad conditions of hatred, killing, raping, gossiping,

terrorizing, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, molesting,

jealousy, revenge, abuse, child abuse, suicide, homicide,

and the numbers are on the rise everyday.  Everyday our

desperations are growing because our eyes aren’t open.

We fall short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23 -24). For 

all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God., because 

we haven’t opened our eyes to realize our desperation to 

obey God.  We need to open our eyes to realize our 

desperation to abide by the Ten Commandments.  That’s 

how we show God we love him.  

    We need to open our eyes to realize our desperation to

obey God.  We desperately need to know who God is and

perform actions showing we know him.  The end of time is

soon approaching.  The end of this world will occur when

the last sin is put under Christ’ feet, death.  (1.Corinthians  15:27)

For  he has put everything under his feet.  Now when it says

that, “everything “has been put under him, it is clear that 

this does not include God himself.”  Every piece of literature 

I write are my conversations with God, because my literature 

can be backed up with scriptures because God’s word is 

written on my heart.  (Romans 2:15) They show that the 

requirements of the law are written on their hearts.  That’s 

why my literature is deep, because they come from God.

My literature is deep because they give people things to 

think about.  My literature doesn’t go in one ear and out

the other.  They plant themselves in the pits of people’s

hearts.  God’s the Creator.  I’m his messenger.  Experience 

is the best teacher.  Walking this road of life definitely has

many lessons everyday, but our actions show if we’ve

learned the lessons of life.

    The “BIBLE “is our textbook where we learn, (Basic

Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  We learn who God

is: Love.  Our Father.  We open our eyes everyday God blesses 

us with seeing.  God wants us to know him.  He’s taken 

his hands off of this world.  ( 1 Chronicles 21:13)  David

said to God,  “I am in deep distress.  Let me fall into 

the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is very great, 

but do not let me fall into human hands. David said to 

God, “I am in distress.”  Let me fall into the hand of the Lord, 

For his mercy is very great, but do not let me fall into human 

hands.  So we must open our eyes to realize conditions we’re

 putting ourselves in.  Our walks of life proves our desperation.

Our desperation proves we must obey God to escape this world.

So this is the best position we could put our eyes in:opened.

              Ki Radiance

              Wednesday February 22: 2023

             10: 24 a.m. cCopyright-  All Rights Reserved 

Opened Eyes

 Opened EyesTo

Realize The Truth 

Written By Ki Radiance


“Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE “

(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

Our eyes are and can be even more lethal towards

us accomplishing goals we wan to accomplish.  It’s 

sad conditions of hatred, killing, raping, gossiping,

terrorizing, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, molesting,

jealousy, revenge, abuse, child abuse, suicide, homicide,

and the numbers are on the rise everyday.  Everyday our

desperations are growing because our eyes aren’t open.

We fall short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23 -24). For 

all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God., because 

we haven’t opened our eyes to realize our desperation to 

obey God.  We need to open our eyes to realize our 

desperation to abide by the Ten Commandments.  That’s 

how we show God we love him.  

    We need to open our eyes to realize our desperation to

obey God.  We desperately need to know who God is and

perform actions showing we know him.  The end of time is

soon approaching.  The end of this world will occur when

the last sin is put under Christ’ feet, death.  (1.Corinthians  15:27)

For  he has put everything under his feet.  Now when it says

that, “everything “has been put under him, it is clear that 

this does not include God himself.”  Every piece of literature 

I write are my conversations with God, because my literature 

can be backed up with scriptures because God’s word is 

written on my heart.  (Romans 2:15) They show that the 

requirements of the law are written on their hearts.  That’s 

why my literature is deep, because they come from God.

My literature is deep because they give people things to 

think about.  My literature doesn’t go in one ear and out

the other.  They plant themselves in the pits of people’s

hearts.  God’s the Creator.  I’m his messenger.  Experience 

is the best teacher.  Walking this road of life definitely has

many lessons everyday, but our actions show if we’ve

learned the lessons of life.

    The “BIBLE “is our textbook where we learn, (Basic

Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  We learn who God

is: Love.  Our Father.  We open our eyes everyday God blesses 

us with seeing.  God wants us to know him.  He’s taken 

his hands off of this world.  ( 1 Chronicles 21:13)  David

said to God,  “I am in deep distress.  Let me fall into 

the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is very great, 

but do not let me fall into human hands. David said to 

God, “I am in distress.”  Let me fall into the hand of the Lord, 

For his mercy is very great, but do not let me fall into human 

hands.  So we must open our eyes to realize conditions we’re

 putting ourselves in.  Our walks of life proves our desperation.

Our desperation proves we must obey God to escape this world.

So this is the best position we could put our eyes in:opened.

              Ki Radiance

              Wednesday February 22: 2023

             10: 24 a.m. cCopyright-  All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Why. To Reveal Our Dependence

                        Why?  To Reveal Our Dependence 

                        Written By Ki Radiance


                      “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                      Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

   This simple question is asked everyday: “Why”.  

The answer is to reveal our dependence.  So we

can say we know and believe in God, but until trials 

and tribulations come upon us, evidence isn’t 


from God.  Things we can’t handle comes 

from Satan.  The world is in chaos,   We’re

taking revenge out on each other, when God says,

“Vengeance is mine.”    (Romans 12:19). Do

not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave 

room for God’s wrath, for it is written, “It

is mine to avenge. I will repay, says the Lord.  

So we ask,“Why are there so many people raping 

people, hate other people?  To reveal their

dependence.  Why is there so much division 

in the world?  To reveal our dependence.  In 

Christ we were chosen, having been predestined 

according to the plan of him who works out everything 

in conformity with the purpose of his will.

Since everything is in God’s hands, we don’t 

need to know why, we just need to trust 

and believe God will give and show us what 

he is: love.

            P.S.  Let go and let God.

       Ki Radiance

       Friday May 6, 2022

       7:50 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


Thursday, February 2, 2023

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

                                       Team Work Makes

                                     The  Dream Work


                                  Written By Ki Radiance

                                              a .k.a.

                             “Sunshine , DEEP, &  SMILE “

                         ((Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,




                        Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     These two standings are strengths:Team and 

Dream.  Team reflects power, because we’re more 

capable of achieving our goals.  Because uniting 


as a, “TEAM” shows we are (Together Establishes


Awesome Measures.  They’re ours because they  

point us in the right directions.  Just as everything 

is possible for those who believe in God,  Teamwork

Makes The Dream Work), is also true. 

   When we work as a, (TEAM) that positions us in

powerful directions.  We must cement this statement 


in our hearts and minds.  Teamwork Makes The Dream

Work.  If we truly believe that our actions will follow 

suit.  (TEAM).  Together Establishing Awesome Measure.  

A team is people who support one another, “because we 

are stronger together.  Which proves, “Teamwork Makes 

The Dream Work.



            Ki Radiance.

          Tuesday August 22, 2022

          7:51 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


Time Is Of The Essence

                          Time Is Of The Essence

                          Written By Ki Radiance


                        “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                    (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential 


                   Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

  This sentence is very urgent and necessary for us to 

take to heart.  Time is of the essence.  We’re living on

borrowed time.  Time we can’t repay because of the 

payment it was paid with.  Time is of the essence.

We must be careful with actions we perform.  We

must be careful because we reap what we sow.

(Galatians 6:7-8)  Do not be deceived: God cannot 

be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows.  Whoever 

sows to please the flesh, from the flesh will reap

destruction: whoever sows to please the spirit,

from the Spirit will reap eternal life. That’s what 

life’s all about.  

     We can’t waist time, because we can’t get

it back if we .  Every action we perform must 

have a purpose for being performed.  Because again, 

we reap what we sow.  Growth esteems power in its 

procession.  Time is of the essence.  What are we doing 

with the time God has blessed us with?  Time is of the 

essence.  What we do with it shows Almighty

God how much we appreciate the time he’s

given us to live. Because he didn’t have to 

give it.

              Ki Radiance

             Friday November 25, 2022

            7:28 a.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved