Sunday, June 30, 2013

In The Blink Of An Eye

     This is a promise from the Lord Almighty, "I will come in the blink o an eye."  The day of the

Lord will come like a thief in the night."  (1 Thessalonians 5:2)  This promise should scare us to death,

because God keeps all of his promises, and we don't know when God will do anything.  That's because

his time isn't our time.  He's always on time for everything.  In the blink of an eye conditions can change,

attitudes flare up, arguments explodes turning into rage, some people make promises they keep and some

 people don't keep their promises.  But God is above all.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning

and the end.  (Revelations 1:8)   "I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord, who is, and who was,

and who is to come, the Almighty.."   We should walk on eggshells  in the sight of the Lord, which we

always are.  In the blink of an eye should scare us to death.  Scare us enough to obey God's ten

commandments, which truly pleases him.  In the blink of an eye, Jesus could return, but will he find

anyone who pleases God?  Jesus is the image of God and we must daily aim to be images of Jesus Christ.

In the blink of an eye, what will we be doing?  Whatever we'll be doing, I hope we'll be prepared, because

Jesus will return in the blink of an eye.  So let's get prepared for that blink!!!

                                       Ki Radiance
                                       Sunday May 12, 2013
                                       7:57 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

The Only Effective Medicine: Obedience

     Sicknesses of all kinds are seen and experienced everyday.  Everyday we're called to obey God's

ten commandments, but we fall short of his glory because we don't take our medicine: obedience.  Some

people engage in making idols for themselves, when the word of God says, "Do not make for yourself an        

idol in the form of anything in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters below."  (Deuteronomy

5:9).  You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God,

punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me,

(Deuteronomy 5:10)  showing love to a thousand generations  of those who love me and keep my

commandments.  (Deuteronomy 5:11)  You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord

will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.  (Deuteronomy 5:12)  Observe the Sabbath day by

keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you.  (Deuteronomy 5:13)  Six days you shall labor

and do all your work.  (Deuteronomy 5:14)  but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.  On it

you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor  your male or female servant, nor your

or, your donkey or any foreigner residing in your towns, so that your male and female servants may rest as

you do

     (Deuteronomy 5:15)  Remember that you were slaves in Egypt  and the Lord your God brought you out

of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.  Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to

observe the Sabbath day.  (Deuteronomy 5:16)  Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God has

commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is

giving you.  (Deuteronomy 5:17)  You shall not murder.  (Deuteronomy 5:18)  You shall not commit

adultery.  (Deuteronomy 5:19)  You shall not steal.  (Deuteronomy 5:20)  You shall not give false testimony

against your neighbor.  Our conditions are due to disobedience.  (1 John 5:3).  This is love for God: to obey

his commands, and his commands are not too burdensome.  The medicine for killing is obedience.  The

medicine for stealing is obedience.  The medicine for gossiping is obedience.  Medicine for dishonoring

your m other and father is obedience.  The medicine for hatred is obedience.  Medicine for every condition

in the world is obedience to God.  We ask in times of turmoil, "Why does these tragedies happen?  To

secure our dependence God Almighty.  Our actions of disobedience are the reasons.  We reap what we

sow.  The BIBLE gives us the best prescriptions there is, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).

The only effective medicine that exists  is obedience to God.  So let's urgently take our medicine everyday:


                                              Ki Radiance
                                              Monday June 3, 2013
                                              3:00 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Quoting Scriptures Changes Pictures

     The word of God is living and active, is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteous-

righteousness.  (Hebrews 4:12).  I fell at work in a theater where everyone was sitting in spacious distances

from each other.  I wasn't hurt.  I yelled for help but no one heard me, considering I had a soft-toned voice.

I began quoting scriptures, showing God I knew them and reminding him of his promises he made to me.

Like he needs to be reminded about anything.  "I will give you the desires of your heart.   (Psalm 21:2).

You have granted him his heart's desire and have not withheld the requests of his lips."  I cried out to

the Lord, "Lord please help me get on my knees!!"  And he did.  God said, "Ask and you will receive."

(John 16:24).  Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.  Ask and you will receive, and

your joy will be complete.  Sharper than  any double-edged sword, it penetrates to divide soul and

spirit, joints and marrow.  It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Through my human eyes, I

saw what I could lose depending on myself.  Through my spiritual eyes, I saw what I could gain by

depending on God.  That's why quoting scriptures changes pictures.  If I didn't know God and his

righteousness, or have faith in him, I would lose everything good, because God is good.  Enough said.


     Whatever problems I go through, God's word is always in my mouth.  Because quoting scriptures

changes pictures.  So now what pictures are you seeing?

                                                   Ki Radiance
                                                   Sunday June 9,2013
                                                   12:29 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved