Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I'm Creative, But First, I'm Obedient

                                                I’m Creative,

                                              But Fist,

                                         I’m Obedient                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                           Written By

                                          Ki Radiance


                                    “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”                 

                             (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential       


                              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  He’s blessed me

me with a a talent in writing.  I only write about everything in the world, showing

where God is missing.  God isn’t in our world because he can’t be around darkness.

I aim to change the world before I leave it.  I aim to be a mirror to the world, so we

can see our reflections  .  That we are the reason why reality stands as it does.    Some

mornings I wake up with powerful and inspirational pieces of literature.  They can be

backed up with scripture because his word is written on my heart.  I share my literature

with people because they’re  not mine to keep, but mine to spread.   I’m creative, but

first I’m obedient.  I listen intently to God’s voice.  I want to change the world before

I leave it.  So I constantly read the BIBLE, delivering, “Basic Instructions  Before Leaving

Earth.  God speaks to me through his word, then through my talent he’s  blessed  me

with.    I’m creative but first obedient.   Making him visible to all.  Leaving God’s passions

in the world’s remembrance.   I’m creative but first I’m obedient. 

     I’m obedient  to God when I give glory to him with my talent in writing.  When people

who  read my literature stop and think about actions they perform and words they

speak, when I  I see sparkles in their eyes,  I know I’ve done my job.  My creativity comes

from God above and my obedience comes from Jesus Christ.  Although I do fall short of

the God , Jesus Christ’ blood covers over my sins, making them white as snow.  (Isaiah

1:18).Though your sins are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.  I’m creative, but

first I’m obedient.  Both of these conclusions demand dedication.  Being obedient is more

important than being creative, because blessings from God and right standings with him,

provided by  Jesus Christ is more important than anything.  So this is a very true and profitable  

fact, I’m creative, but first I’m obedient.    I put nothing and no on before God. ( Matthew 6:31-34)

So do not worry , saying , “What shall we eat? “ or, “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we

wear?”   For  the Pagans run  after all these things,  and your heavenly Father knows you need

them.  But seek first his kingdom  and righteousness, and all these things will be given  to you

as well..  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow  will worry about itself.

Each day has enough trouble of its own.

                                                        Ki Radiance

                                                        Friday July 4, 2014

                                                5:16 p.m. c- Copyright- All Rights Reserved


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