Monday, February 2, 2015

More Time To Find God

     He who finds me loves his own soul.  (Proverbs 8:35-36)  For those who find me find life and

receive favor from the Lord.  I want to start dating that special man.   I don't have one and I should

see and accept that as being a gift that gives me more time to find God.  When I read the "BIBLE"

gives me , (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).  I'm listening to God speak to me.  I see

many couples get married, questioning, "Why haven't I got married or am even dating yet.  The

only answer is so I'll have more time to find God.  God doesn't want no interferance between a

man and himself.  This truly must be the focus in my life.  Having more time to find God.  He is my

first husband who's developing himself in me.  God is more important to me than anything in this

world.  You tell me God, "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 

(Psalm 37:4)

     I accept this as being more time to find God.  Not saying God is the reason I'm not married or

even datingthat special man, but I know and trust everything happens when and if God wants them to

happen.  There's a very distinct reason why I'm not married or even dating, that gives me more time

to find God.

                                        (Revelations 14:4) 

     These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins.  They

followed the Lamb wherever he goes.  They were purchased from among mankind and offered

as first fruits to God from the Lamb.

                                            Ki Radiance
                                            Monday February 2, 2015
                                            1:24 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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