Saturday, July 11, 2015

Life's All About Forgiveness

                                                      Life's All About Forgiveness
                                                      Written By Ki Radiance
                                                    "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"
                                                  (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
                                                   Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     We all get angry with one another everyday, and some people's responses are negative, selfish,

expressing emotions of hatred, devision, confusion, and we know God's not about confusion.  Other

actions are spousal abuse, child abuse, incest, and many other actions as such. For God is not a God

of disorder, but of peace, as in all the congregation of the saints.  Life is all about forgiveness.  If we

don't forgive others, God won't forgive us.  (Matthew 6::15)  But if you do not forgive others of their

sins, your Father will not forgive you.  Life's all about forgiveness.  When we learn to forgive, we'll

be closer to living the life God called us to live.  Then Jesus won't have to beg God, "Forgive them Father, they

know not what they do."

                                                       Ki Radiance
                                                       Saturday July 7, 2015
                                                       8;00 c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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