Sunday, November 1, 2015

The World Must Uphold Forgiveness

     We all desperately need to embrace this power in our lives: forgiveness.  If we don't forgive

others, God won't forgive us.  We all must forgive each other because united we stand, divided

we fall.  What positions do we want to reside in?  Every encounter we have with one another are

selfish, not thinking of other people above ourselves.  Each one of us has a mindset of our own.  The

bible says to set your eyes on things above, store your treasures up in heaven where they won't

spoil, rot, or fade away.  We all must uphold forgiveness.  We must settle matters before they fester. 

If we don't uphold forgiveness, what is that saying about us?  The world must uphold forgiveness.

How far will we without forgiveness?  Just open your eyes and you'll see what our world holds

without it.

                                               Ki Radiance

                                               Saturday December 31, 2015
                                               12:31 a.m. c Copyright-All Right Reserved

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