Reaping and sewing is what life's about. We know the differences between good and bad. Right
and wrong. Question is, do we care? But what positions does our actions put us in? Some of us, if
not all, only care about ourselves. How selfish can we get? Some people sews actions of love. Some
people sews actions of hate, and of course, they will reap the same. When I woke up from the coma
I was in for three months from getting hit by a car when I was seven years old, I adopted positive
attitudes in my heart. I constantly had a smile on my face. Someone asked me, "Why do you smile
all the time." I proudly replied, "Cause God hasn't given me a reason to frown." People constantly
tell me, "You have a beautiful smile." I believe it's beautiful because the spirit of God is in my smile.
This is true because I've been employed at my job from 1997 to now 2016. I'll be here until God
places me at another job.
God has given me this spirit so people can see himself in me, which they are attracted to. I reap
kindness because I sow kindness. I reap gentleness because I sow gentleness. I reap love because I
sow love. One day manager told me a lady fell in one of the theaters. Knowing we didn't have
wheelchairs at work, I immediately said, "Here take my wheelchair." The manager asked me,
:What about you baby? I sternly replied, "I'll be okay. God gave me the ability to walk and
the heart to give awa when there's a need.
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