Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Struggles: A Part Of Progress

        Struggles:  A Part Of Progress
                     Ki Radiance
       "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"
       (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
         Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     We may ask ourselves, "Why do I have to go through these struggles?

We must understand, children struggle with math.  They must trust that

math will help them all through life.  Struggles push some people to do

better.  When we struggle, that's a step towards greatness: that is if

we take it to completion.  If we never struggled to achieve anything,

we wouldn't appreciate the victories when we've received progress

from the struggles.  We go through struggles to build characters

within ourselves.  We desire to hold treasures, but we have to work

to obtain those treasures.  When some people hold these treasures,

they see them as being a part of progress.  We should vision ourselves

receiving what we desire.  That will instill bravery and mostly faith in

our hearts to embrace struggles.  Then we will see and believe that

struggles are a part of progress.

                          Ki Radiance
                          Thursday August 18, 2016
                          6:53. p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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