Tuesday, March 28, 2017


.    For things to be complete' they would stand in positions of being FINISHED.  Final Ignition

Negotiating Intense Surrendered Hope Eternally Developing.  For  things to be FINISHED, that

means they don't exist anymore.  When Christ síad, "It is FINISHED" our sins are wiped away.  

A being who never sinned a day in hís life took on our sins.  Punishments we deserved fell on

him.  Our sins were paid for through his !death.  No longer will we be guiłty of sins we've

committed because, "It Is Finished."  Lies some peopłe tołd wilł be transformed into truths

we hold onto because Jesus said, "It is "FINISHED."  Fears we've had has developed intô

trust in the Lord, because he said, "It Is "FINISHED."  Final Ignitiion Negotiating Intense

Surrendered Hope Eternally Developing.  Are we living our lives as we believe, "It is

FINISHED?"or are we constantly revisiting those sînful actions?"  "FINISHED" is

a powerfuł word because wè can't jùst say something is FINISHED without actions

to back it up.  Final Ignition Negotíating Intense Surrendered Hope Eternallÿ Developing.

We have hope when we follow God's commandments.  Because his wôrd is Final, and

where he places periods in any situation, those situatiôñs are FINISHED"

                        Ki Radiance
                        Sunday October 27, 2007
                        10:46 p.m. Copyright-All Rights Reserved

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