Thursday, July 6, 2017

Hatred: United To Fight It

                                    Hatred:  United To Fight It

                                  Written By Ki Radiance


                                "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                         (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential

                        Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     This is the force we must be united in to fight: hatred.  Just look at

realities we're facing presently because of hatred.  Discrimination

separates us to no end.  Every difference among us generates

discrimination in our lives.  We may say we want there to be peace

among us, but actions speak louder than words.  Hatred, we must be

united to fight it, because we are nothing if we don't stand together.

If there is one person who is alone and he falls, who will help him up?

United we stand, divided we fall.   We're in positions where we're falling

everyday.  We fall everyday because we aren't persisting to be images

of Jesus Christ, who is the Image of God Almighty.   Hatred.  We must

stand United to fight it, because if we're not united, we'll be working

against each other.  Hatred is self destructive because it holds no root

of elevating oneself.

     Hatred.  We must stand united to fight it.  What is hatred?  Of course

it's the opposite of what love is.  We live in a world that is opposite of love.

We must know what actions are opposite of hatred a perform those actions.

We must rise above this world because this world is not our home, we're

(believers) just passing through.  Our home is in the next world where we

wouldn't experience anything of the dark nature.  Our minds must be on

higher grounds.  Set your eyes on things above where they won't spoil,

rot, or fade away.  Hatred is a wasteful emotion, because it reaps nothing

that will benefit us.  Hatred shows lower levels of confidence within ourselves.

I'm HWe know what hatred looks like, because we are in that reality right now.  So

we have to perform actions of love.  Love is sacrifice.  Love is considering

others better than ourselves.  We need to have reasons for doing things.  The

reason why we must sand United                

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