Written By Ki Radiance
"Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"
(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
Simple Motion In Love Eternally)
I feel no shame about not completing my college education, because knowing
God is my degree. This world holds nothing I desire, (Lamentations 3:22-23). It is
of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassion does not
fail. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness. I store my treasures
up in heaven. (Matthew 6:20). But store up for yourself treasures in heaven, where
moth and rust does not corrupt, where thieves won't break in and steal. Knowing God
is my degree. I give all my worries and concerns to God, because I would make my
troubles worse for myself. "Cast all your worries and concerns on him, for he cares for
you." (1 Peter 5:7).
My instruction manual in this determination is the (BIBLE), releasing, "Basic Instructions
Before Leaving Earth." Knowing God is my degree. My literature can be backed up with
scripture because God's word is written on my heart. I only write about God because he's
the only thing worth writing about. As many years God blesses me with seeing, that's how
many days I will read the bible, receiving fresh knowledge every time I read it, because God's
word is new every morning.. (Lamentations 3:23). God is my degree. He is his word. Since
I was introduced to God until he calls me home, I will urgently seek his face, because knowing
God is my degree.
Ki Radiance
Monday February 26, 2018Gg
9:08 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved