Thursday, August 9, 2018

Too Many, Examples To Become Examples

                                Too Many Examples

                                To Become Examples

                             Written By Ki Radiance


                           "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                             Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    Experience is the best teacher.  This may be true, but examples are

the best teachers also.  There are examples of how difficult it is being

teen parents, but so many teens who are having sex become examples.

They struggle with the many responsibilities of being teen parents.  Forced

to grow up quickly, being babies themselves, (so to speak).  There are too

many examples of being put in jail because of raping, killing, stealing, robbery,

sexual harassment, sexual abuse, child abuse, molestation, car-jacking, neglect,

and so many more actions as such.  Results of those actions concludes being

I put in jail, house arrest, prison, and other results of isolation.

    There are too many examples of being in gangs for me to be in gangs.  Do we

see conclusions of actions as such.  Do our hearts comprehend the fact that we

reap what we sow.  There are too many examples of gossiping to be in

involved in gossiping.  There are too many examples of hatred to hate.  Before

performing actions, we must be definite in what will return to us and that we can

productively proceed in our walks of life.  Actions speak louder than words.  Do we believe

this statement?  Well actions we perform says if we do.  This world is full of darkness.

 Let's makes sure we're not examples of it.j

                          Ki Radiance C-Copyright-All Rights Reserved

                          Thursday July 26, 2018

                          6:44 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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