Thursday, September 27, 2018

Stronger Together

                              Stronger Together

     Independence and division are two standings we currently find ourselves in.  We

mentally think we can do better on.ourown terms, but no man has ever succeessfully

walked this world alone.  We walk these destructive paths everyday.  Paths like some

people participating in gang relations, sexual harassment, racism, sexual abuse, abuse,

killing, stealing, neglect, spousal abuse, car jacking, and the numbers are increasing

everyday.  These are realities of selfishness means, thinking about self.  We are stronger

together because we move in productive directions together.  United we stand.  Divided

we fall.  We desperately need to absorb within ourselves what these words means to us.

We are stronger together., because two heads are better than one.  When this strength is

absorbed in our hearts and minds, (We Are Stronger Together), and when we put these

words into action, we can stand on its power.

                     Ki Radiance

                     Sunday September 16, 2018

                     5:42 p.m. c- Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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