Thursday, January 3, 2019

Catch Me If You Can

                                      Catch Me If You Can

                             (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
                              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Everyday God Almighty shouts these exact words to us, "Catch me if you

 can."  Knowing everything God commands us to do is serious beca

putting actions to this command can be detrimental to our health, mainly

to our existences.  As every other disobedient act to the law of God.  Catch

me if you can.  You may ask yourself, "How can anyone catch God?  He is

almighty.  He is ever-present.  He is omnipresent.  The (BIBLE) is where we

can find God, and the race is on everyday for each of us, because we don't

know where or when Christ will return.  Only God knows.  Some people may

want to know how big God is?  His reply to them would be,, "Catch me if you can."

Some people wonder how the world was created?  Again, God's response is,

Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  The world throws problems, (which are

considered bullets in this aspect) shot  from guns.  Our disobedience.  Solutions

to the problems are in our grasp, (the word of God).  God says the world throws

problems, but I am the solution.  So catch me if you can.

                    Ki Radiance

                    Friday November 21, 2008

                    9:30 c Copyright-All Rights Reserved



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