Fired, But Still Employed
Written By Ki Radiance
"Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"
(Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
Simple Motion In Love Eternally)
Being fired from my job really hurt me. It hurt me so
much because of the relationships I've built and relationships
and spirit I've left behind. I may have been fired physically,
but I'm still employed spiritually. I'm not done because the
world hasn't been won over to God. That's why being fired
down here on earth doesn't crush my heart, because I'm
employed by God. I store my treasures up in heaven where
they won't spoil, rot, or fade away. (Matthew 6: 19-20) Lay
not up for yourselves treasures upon earth: where moth and
I'm break in and steal.
People who come to the show tell me I'm the only
reason they return to the movies. Because I bring the spirit
of God with me and expose it to everyone I come in contact
with. I'm fired by my job but I'm still employed. I will forever
be employed by God until the last sin is put under Christ' feet.
(1 Corinthians 15: 27). For he hath put all things under his feet.
But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest
that he is expected, which did put all things under him. I'm
fired by my employer, but I'm hired by God. What's
lost on earth is gained in heaven. God didn't place
me at my current job to be a conclusion of my
employment resume, but a steppingstone towards
my desired employment. I want to be the best writer
in the world. So being fired may have benefited me
time to do this. So I listen to God with every piece of
literature I write. People who read my literature asks
me, "Who wrote this for you? I respond, "I did." They
tell me they're deep and eagerly waits for my next one.
The word of God is new every morning. (Lamentations
3:22-23). It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed,
because his compassion fail not.
P.S. God Almighty is the best employer I could ever have.
So being fired doesn't make me or break me, because I'm
eternally hired by God.
Ki Radiance
Thursday August 23, 2019
6:31 a.m. c-Copyright-All Rights Reserved
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