Thursday, January 23, 2020

Happy New Year

                              Happy New Year,

                              Written By Ki Radiance             

                    “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

       (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

             Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Are you serious?  Happy New Year.  First to be happy, there has to be peace.

We talk about New Year, that’s an identification that we’ve claimed the year after 

being.  We have to live up to that identification.  Everything that’s happened in 

previous years are still happening in the year following.  This is one of the concrete 

and direct pieces of literature I’ve ever written.  Not sugar-coating nothing because 

I have to live here too.  So when people wish me Happy New Year, I’d say, “Prove

It will be happy.  Perform actions that shows it’s new.”  Show actions of peace, that

will encourage us of seeing a new year by actions we perform and words we speak.

Then we can wish one another, “Happy New Year.

               P.S.  I’m from Missouri, the show me state.  That’s what we must do before 

we wish each other one.

                      Ki Radiance 

                     Tuesday December 31, 2019

                     8:30 p.m. c- Copyright-All Rights Reserved G

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