Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Why? Because Satan Sits On The Throne

                        Why?  Because Satan sits

                       on the throne 

                        Written by Ki Radiance 


                   “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


               Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

This question is asked so many times throughout the day,

“Why.”  Why do we have to work?  Why do we have struggles 

in our lives?  Why do we have enemies?  Why do we have

destructive thoughts?  Why do some people hate other people?

I can go on and on, but there’s one simple reason, because Satan

sits on the throne.  We have to take captive every thought, and

make them obedient to Christ.  Because Satan roams through the 

earth, looking for someone to devour..  This question still remains to 

be asked by some people, “Why.”  The answer remains to be and

always will be, because Satan sits on the throne"  He will remain

there until the last sin is put under Christ’ feet,(which is death) 

     This question will continue being asked until the end of time.  The

throne holds much power in it’s possession..  We can kick Satan off

of the throne with our obedience to God.  Make him the Alpha and

the Omega, the beginning and the end of our lives.  The question 

will turn into an answer, 

                          Ki Radiance 


                          Tuesday January 19, 2021

                          9::14 p..m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved


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