Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Don’t Vote, Don’t Complain


                        Don’t Vote.    Don’t Complain 

                          Written By Ki Radiance


                  “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    From the times we are born, we’re blessed and privileged 

with having rights to vote.  Vote about who we want to rule 

the world.  But just remember they have reputations, and at

times what some people are voted for regarding.  Are detrimental 

to our benefits of advancing in productive directions.  When we

vote, we’re standing as a (TEAM) releasing attributes of, “Together 

Establishing Awesome Measures.”  Those who don’t walk in united

fashions fall into confusion.  Those who don’t vote shouldn’t complain

because they haven’t made efforts towards making their votes count.

To make them count, we must bring the noise of how much strength 

we would hold within ourselves.  

      Voting is one of the strongest forces in the world.  It’s strong because 

we’re not being controlled by no one else.  We live in the world we want

to live in because we voted.  We don’t live in the world we want to live

in because we haven’t voted.  So it’s all up to us if we don’t vote, don’t 

complain.  Just remember, we’ve made our own beds.

                       Ki Radiance

                      Monday August 17, 2020

                      8 50 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved 


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