Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Upside Down When I’m Done

                        Upside  Down 


                            I’m Done 

     I don’t mean to brag, but then again, I do.  When I’m done writing

the world will be turned upside down.  My literature is deep because 

 that’s the depth I search for God.  Scriptures are written in my literature 

because God’s word is written on my heart.  The world will be turned 

upside down because I’m communicating with God everyday and night.


I communicate with him everyday and am impacted by his word.  His 

word is powerful and effective, is useful for teaching and correcting,

rebuking and training in righteousness.  (2 Timothy 3: 16). The world 

will be turned upside down because I’m dissecting it everyday to

discover what medicine it needs.  It only needs one thing.  Faith,

because it pleases God.  (Hebrews 11:6).   I yearn for God everyday 

because I know he is good.  Death will be turned upside down because 

I’ll be done ł writing.  Hatred will be turned upside down into love, 

because hail be done writing.  

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