Tuesday, May 30, 2023

(PWC) Pray. Without Ceasing

                      (PWC). Pray Without Ceasing

                      Written By Ki Radiance

                    ,                 a.k.a.

                   “Sunshine DEEP, & SMILE”


         ;      (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential ,





                Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

When we pray, we’re actually communicating with God..  It’s a powerful weapon 

used for meditation, calming spirits, comforting hearts, and many other conditions.

We stand before God when we pray.  (Psalm 37:4). Take delight in the Lord and

he will give you the desires of your heart.  When we pray, (those who are strong in 

the Lord,) are confident God will protect them.  They don’t worry about anything,

because if they did, how small is their faith?  We must,(PWC) Pray Without Ceasing,

because we live in Satan’s world, where sin reigns supreme.  God is jealous.  Exodus 

34:14). Do not worship any other gods, for the Lord, whose name is jealous, is a

jealous God.  We must “PWC” Pray Without Ceasing.  Whose name will have

 to be called next for us to pray?  Please say none with our actions, because actions 

speak louder than words.  This world must be turned upside down for us to live 

in heaven. So we must “PWC”(Pay Without ceasing).

     (Proverbs 24:10). If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength?

                 Ki Radiance

                 Wednesday May 27, 2023

                  5:25 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

Life Not Where ItTakes You, But What It. Makes You

 .                   Life: Not Where It Takes You,

               But What It Makes You

              Written By Ki Radiance


               “Sunshine,DEEP, & SMILE”

              (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


               Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Experience is the best teacher.  This is a fact of life.  Many

lessons are learned everyday, their intents are to strengthen us.

Everyday we experience lessons to guide us in our walks of life,

decisions we make, and emotions we express.  Like when some 

people  constantly perform actions of love, that emotion becomes 

apart of them.  This fact is definitely true, we reap what we sow. 

Everyday we live is a training day.  The purpose of the flesh is to 

train the spirit.  We’re in training to be better than we were yesterday.

Life is not where it takes you, but what it makes you.  Life is a jungle

with many tests along the way.

   In life, we don’t experience things for nothing.  We experience things


to bring what’s genuine about ourselves out.  We desperately need to

pay attention to lessons of life, because we reap what we sow.  That’s 

what life’s all about, reaping and sowing.  This bit of information should 

move the most impart in our lives.  So we must intensely concentrate on

what life makes you.

                     Ki Radiance

                    Friday January 19, 2021

                   6:50 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved Life:   

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Take My Hand, Precious Lord

                                  Take My Hand,

                                 Precious Lord 

                              Written By Ki Radiance 


                      “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”


                     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,



                      Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    With every action we perform, we’re pleading with 

the Lord, “Take My Hand.”  Take My Hand, guide me

down your paths.  Make my thoughts be your thoughts.

Take my hand, precious Lord.  Give me patience, because 

time is in your hands.  Help me understand there’s no 

rushing you.  Take my hand, precious Lord.  Build confidence

in my heart.  Take my hand, precious Lord.  Make me into

the image of you. Every bump and bruise

I sustain, I’m growing stronger in you.

  Take my hand, precious Lord.  Build me 

strong where I am weak.  Take my hand,


precious Lord.  Help me to be considerate 

of other people.  Build me everyday into your

image Lord.  That’s why I say to you Lord,

Take my hand.

                 Ki Radiance 

                 Thursday May 23, 2019

        9:25 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 

Pleading For Prayersp

                              Pleading For Prayers 

                             Written By Ki Radiance 


                       “Sunshine, DEEP,  & SMILE”

                     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                     Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Our hands.must constantly stand in positions of prayer.  That’s 

because our actions stand opposed to our example, Jesus Christ,

the  image of God Almighty.  With words we speak to each other.

the hatred we express to ourselves by not.abiding by the Ten

Commandments: (Exodus 20: 3-17). You shall have no other

gods before me.  Your shall not  for yourself an image in the

in the form of anything in heaven above, or in the earth beneath 

or in the waters below.  You shall not bow down to them or worship

them, for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, punishing the 

children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of 

those who,love me and keep my commandments.   You shall not

misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold 

anyone guiltless who misuses his name.  Remember the  Sabbath 

day by keeping it holy. 

     Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day 

is a sabbath to the Lord your God.  On it you shall not do any work,

neither you nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant,

nor your animals, nor any foreigners residing in your towns.  For in

six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is

in them.  But he rested on the seventh day.  Therefore the Lord blessed 

the Sabbath day and made it holy.   Honor your father and your mother,.

so  that you may live long in the land the Lord is giving you.  You shall

not murder.  You shall not commit adultery.  You shall not steal.  You

shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.  You shall not 

covet your neighbor’s house. .You shall not covet your neighbor’s 


wife, or his male or female servant.  His ox or donkey, or  anything ^

that belongs to your neighbor.   Actions speak louder than words,

and ours are definitely pleading for  prayers.  We must oblige

to what we’re pleading for.  Nothing is greater than prayers are.

So we must intensify our focus on them and remember that’s

how we communicate with God.   

                        Ki Radiance

                       Thursday July 1, 2021, 

                      7:55 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved p"


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

No Surprise God Made A Way

                                        No Surprise

                                     God Made A Way

                                 Written By Ki Radiance


                            “Sunshine DEEP, $  SMILE”

                     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                    Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     God is mysterious to make us curious to find him.  That’s why 

nothing should surprise us.  Why things happen, because God

wanted them to.   God either makes things happen, or he allows 

them to happen.  God is good..  No darkness is in him.  Everyday

we face trials and tribulations to prove we trust God. Faith is what 

pleases God.  (Hebrews 11:6).  And without faith it is impossible to 

please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that

he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.  If we

worry, where is our faith?  (James 1:6-8). But when you ask, you 

must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a

wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

    There should be no surprise I woke up from a coma from getting 

hit by a car.  I was in a coma for three months,  I suppose God

was repairing what may have been damaged.  Doctors said I 

would never wake up.  When God woke me up three months 

later, first words I said were, “What am I doing with these 

diapers on?  Doctors said I would never walk again.  There’s 

no surprise I am, because God made a way.  Its ’s no surprise 

I’ve completed two and a half years of college, because God 

made a way.   It’s no surprise the impossible is-possible, 

because that’s in God’s character of making: a way out 

of no way.

              Ki Radiance

             Wednesday May 10, 2023

5:35 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Write To Know The Truth

                        Write To Know The Truth 

                        Written By Ki Radiance


                      “Sunshine, DEEP, SMILE”

                  (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,



                   Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

          Truth is the most powerful weapon there is.

It’s powerful because it comes from God.  God’s 

word is powerful and effective, is useful for teaching 

and correcting, rebuking and training in righteousness. 

(Hebrews 4;12),  My literature can be backed up with 

scriptures, because God’s word is written on my heart.  

(2 Corinthians 3:2)  You yourselves are our letter, written.  

on our hearts, known and read by everyone.  God’s word 

is my protection against Satan’s flaming arrows. (Ephesians 

6:16). Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when 

the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, 

and after you have done everything you can do to stand.


    God blessed me with this weapon:.  As his word is

my weapon.  God wants me to know the truth.

God wants me to know absorb the “BIBLE “ everyday,

which delivers, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).

Writing is a participation in this procedure. 

       P.S.  God is the truth, and I write to know him.

         Ki Radiance

        Sunday May 7, 2023

        8:48 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved