Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Life Not Where ItTakes You, But What It. Makes You

 .                   Life: Not Where It Takes You,

               But What It Makes You

              Written By Ki Radiance


               “Sunshine,DEEP, & SMILE”

              (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


               Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Experience is the best teacher.  This is a fact of life.  Many

lessons are learned everyday, their intents are to strengthen us.

Everyday we experience lessons to guide us in our walks of life,

decisions we make, and emotions we express.  Like when some 

people  constantly perform actions of love, that emotion becomes 

apart of them.  This fact is definitely true, we reap what we sow. 

Everyday we live is a training day.  The purpose of the flesh is to 

train the spirit.  We’re in training to be better than we were yesterday.

Life is not where it takes you, but what it makes you.  Life is a jungle

with many tests along the way.

   In life, we don’t experience things for nothing.  We experience things


to bring what’s genuine about ourselves out.  We desperately need to

pay attention to lessons of life, because we reap what we sow.  That’s 

what life’s all about, reaping and sowing.  This bit of information should 

move the most impart in our lives.  So we must intensely concentrate on

what life makes you.

                     Ki Radiance

                    Friday January 19, 2021

                   6:50 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved Life:   

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