Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tenacity: The “Ten” Inside Me

                     Tenacity:  The “Ten” Inside Me

                    Written By Ki Radiance


                   “Sunshine, DEEP,.& SMILE”

                 (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                 Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    I never give up on things I persists to achieve.  That is how 

determined I am to achieve goals I want to achieve. The only

number I’m associated with is, “Ten”, because that’s the height 

I’m determined to reach.  It was career day at school and I couldn’t 

think of what I wanted to do.  I wanted to make a difference in the 

world.  I want to change the world before I leave it. I thought to

myself what do people do everyday?  They read.  God blessed 

me with a talent in writing.  I write to educate, not to entertain

because there’s nothing in the world to laugh about.  I read literature in a 

restaurant, and a television producer told my friend, “I want

her on my show.”  I’ve extended from writing a book and getting 

it published, to reading literature in a restaurant and on television,

and on the radio.

     I write for other people not for myself, because God has already

blessed me with peace in my heart, which I share with other

people.  That’s the,”Ten” inside me.  Thinking of other people 

before myself. Trusting God will give me the desires of my

heart.  (Psalm 37:4). Take delight in the Lord , and he will 

give you the desires of your heart.  The “Ten” inside me is 

when my heart shows reflections of Christ’ heart. That and 

only that is the “Ten” in me.  When,( a

 is added to”Ten”,we have “Tenacity” 

which describe me..

          Ki Radiance

       Thursday June 15, 2023


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