Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spiritual Sharpener: God Is Mine

                         My spiritual growth reaches higher elevations everyday.  I take no credit for this growth.  God's

love for me and him choosing me is the reason.  My literature engulfs around his supremacy.  What's impossible

for man is possible with God.  My literature can be backed up with scripture because God is on my mind

twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  I'm his student, committed to his purpose and goal: bring people to

him by sharing knowledge of his goodness.  The intensity of his  love can't be understood by the human mind.

God speaks to me through my talent of writing, because I can't bring forth such profound pieces of literature

that moves people's hearts, makes them think about actions they perform or words they speak without him.

     Every time I read the Bible, (which provides Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) I'm being

sharpened.  I don't want nothing to do with this world, so I set my desires on things above.  God is my

spiritual sharpener.  Without him there would be no growth in me.  I'm not perfect but what human being is?

I look to him who is perfect and follow Jesus Christ who, who is the image of God.  God says, "Seek

and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.  (Luke 11:9)  I write about God because

he's the only  thing worthy of writing about.  The spiritual is above the physical, and I'm grateful God is

my sharpener.

                      (Psalm 68:35)

     You are awesome, O God in your sanctuary: the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people.

                                                   Shakira Jones
                                                   Monday March 5, 2012
                                                   6:54 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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