Tuesday, March 27, 2012



                                 Written By Ki Radiance
                                 “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                                (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Everyday we face trials and tribulations of many kind.  There are emotions of anger

of why we have to experience trials and tribulations.  Trials and tribulations are experienced

to build our characters through perseverance.  (James 1:4) Perseverance must finish its

work so that you may mature and complete, not lacking anything.  Sometimes you have to

go through the storm to get to the Son.  There are storms such as espousal abuse that may be

caused by misunderstanding, jealousy, insecurity, suspicion, lack of trust, and other causes as

such.  Most people call on Jesus Christ’ name when they’re happy about something or praying

for something to happen.  But everything happens when and if God wants them to happen.

These are interpreted as faith stretchers.  Sometimes you have to go through the storm to

get to the Son.

     We must slow our actions and intentions down to understand this accurate fact.  We

must go through the storm to get to the Son.  It’s sad some people only go to and give

credit to the Son of God when they need something, or thank God when they receive

blessings.  They don’t have an intimate relationship with God.  God hates pride and independence,

because when we hold onto them, we’d feel no dependence on God.  We know we want to reach

the Son of God, where we’ll have peace, but there are storms we must conquer to embrace

the radiance of the Son: Jesus Christ.
                                   Ki Radiance
                                   Saturday March 24, 2012
                                   11:06 ℄ Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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