Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Producer Of Christ's Character

     Every one of us is a producer.  A producer of happiness.  A producer of sadness .  A producer of tenacity.

Producer of love.  Produce of hate.  Producer of jealousy.  Producer of contentment, and so on.  But there is

one producer us human beings should desire to be a producer of, Christ's character.  We discover what

Christ's character is by reading the BIBLE, (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).   Reading it should be

apart of our daily regiments, because Christ is our example of how to live, example of how to love.  We reap

what we sew, indicating we should be careful with the actions we perform, and words we speak.  By

becoming a producer of Christ's character, we'd be set apart from this world, but no one should want to be

a part of this world.

     If the world hates us for living opposed to the ways it lives, we should remember it hated Jesus first.  If

some people harass us for being sensitive, we should take pride in that standing because Christ was sensitive

to other people's needs and desires.  He was forgiving when people sinned.  He petitioned with God, saying,

"Forgive the Father, they know not what they do."  In Christ our sins are vas white as snow.  We need to

watch our lives and doctrines closely, (1 Timothy 4:16).  Watch your life and doctrine closely, persevere in

them, because if you do, you will save yourself and your hearers.  We must think of other people before

ourselves.  We must give freely of ourselves.  We must give without expecting anything in return.  We have

to know Christ's character to be producers of his.  We need to have personal relationships with Christ to be

producers of his character, because that's what we'll be judged on.  He is our example.  So this is the one

thing we should aim to be and hold: producers of Christ's character.

                                      Ki Radiance
                                      Monday April 16, 2012
                                      11:03 p.m ℄ Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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