Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The World's Callouses

     Everyday we're not only witnesses of these disastrous  actions and emotions, but we're also victims of them,

not to mention participants of them.  There are callouses of beatings that are painful to experience and witness,

but they're also painful to our world.  Callouses will continue to develop daily in our world because we don't

know how to live.  God removed himself from connections with human beings because we live in darkness,

and he can't be around darkness.  Human beings don't like being told what to do, but we don't know how

to live.  Reality is evidence of that fact.  Some people act in ways of demolishing callouses inflicted on the

world.  Some people work as a TEAM, (Together Establishing Awesome Measures).  With Cain & Abel

jealousy began, and  is  still damaging many people's hearts and emotions today.  Callouses can harden the

softest of hearts.  We have callouses of revenge circling our world, when God says, "Vengeance is mine."

(Jeremiah 51:6)  Flee from Babylon, run for your lives, do not be destroyed because of her sins.  It is time for

the Lord's vengeance.  He will repay her what she deserves.

     We give birth to callouses everyday, because I can't state this fact enough, "We don't know how to live.

Judgment will come after the next life ends, because how can we be judged on things we don't know?  God

is love.  God is patient.  God is forgiving.  He is also fair.  That's why we pray, "Thy kingdom come.  Thy

will be done on earth as it is in heaven.   Then and only then will the world's callouses be removed, because

God will be in our presence.  And all I can say is: Amen.

                               Ki Radiance
                               Sunday April 22, 2012
                               9:37 a.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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