Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm Remembered Because Of My Reflections

I’m Remembered Because
                                                      Of My Reflections

                                              Written By Ki Radiance
                                              “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”
                                         (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,
                                           Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Everywhere I go I’m remembered by many people because of my

reflections of Jesus Christ.  God blessed me with employment at AMC

Star Theaters, just what I prayed for.  To be employed at a job where

I can serve people, express the love of Christ with them.  One day at

work a lady fell in one of the theaters, and a manager came out in the

hall where I sat taking tickets.  At the opportune time he said, “Yeah,

a lady fell in a theater.  Knowing we didn’t have any wheelchairs

because some people stole ours, I said, “Here take my wheelchair.”

He surprisingly asked, “What about you baby?”   I confidently

replied, “I’ll be okay, God gave me the ability to walk and the

heart to give away when there’s a need.”  He replied, “Oh bless

your heart Shakira.”

     I extended my wheelchair again where I worked from kneeling

on the floor.  Some of my co-workers asked me, “Why would you

give your wheelchair away?  I asked, “Why wouldn’t I give it away?

They needed it more than I do.  I have the ability to walk, they don’t.”

That truly is a reflection of Jesus Christ.  Thinking of other people’s

needs above my own.  That’s a reflection of Jesus Christ who is the

image of God.  Everywhere I go I’m remembered because of my

reflections of Jesus Christ.  Some people have told me I have a

glow about myself, which I interpret as God’s Labor Of Wisdom.

I’m persisting daily to continue releasing reflections of Jesus Christ

from my heart, because there’s no one greater to be remembered as

than Jesus Christ, who is the image of God.  So this is the best

compliment I could ever receive: I’m remembered because of my

reflections of Jesus Christ.

                               Ki Radiance
                               Monday March 12, 2012
                               10:30 p.m. ℄ Copyright- All Rights Reservved

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