Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The World Is My Oyster: I Will Make Pearls

     I write about everything in the world, persisting to be a mirror to the world.  God blessed me with

this talent in writing to lead the world to him.  Make his goodness known to the world.  The world is

my oyster and I will make pearls.  When I was in the eighth grade, it was career day and I didn't

know what I wanted to do.  I knew I wanted to help.  I wanted to do something that would be inspi-

rational and impacting to other people.  Give them something they could carry in their hearts, as

long as I listen to the words he places in my heart.  The world is my oyster, and I will make pearls.

Every day and night, I write inspirational pieces of literature, I think of them as my conversations

with God.  I couldn't write such powerful, thought-provoking literature if I didn't have these intense

conversations with God.  If I don't see that spark in the people who read my literature eyes, that gasp,

that look of amazement, I haven't done my job as a writer.  My job as a writer is to introduce people

to God, make us all aware of the conditions of the world, and how we all are responsible for them. 

We're responsible because we don't live by the 10 Commandments (Deuteronomy 5:7-21).  I wanted

to help people, not just make money.  Money isn't my motivation because I know God will give me

the desires of my heart. (Psalm 21:2).  You granted him the desires of his heart, and have not

withheld the requests of his lips.  The world is my oyster, and I will make pearls.  With my literature,

I write such profound literature that makes people stop and think about actions they perform and

words they speak.  The world is my oyster and I will make pearls.   Revealing what's inside of my

heart.  I study people's facial expressions to see if my heart and words made impacts in their lives.  I

observed the hungers and doubts of the world.  The world is my oyster, and I will make pearls.  I'm

drawing all we could have if we FOLLOW Jesus Christ (Fully Obey Laws Loyal Of Wisdom).  I am

the molder and the world is my clay.  When I've completed molding, with the inspiration of God, we

will see the world transformed into pearls.

                                                                                 Ki Radiance
                                                                    Saturday, December 14, 2013
                                                          1:51 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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