Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sin's Assailant's: Let Them Be Us

                                                Sin’s Assailants: Let Them Be Us

                                                          Written By Ki Radiance


                                                 “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                                             (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                                              Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

We reap what sow.  Galatians 6:7-8)  Let’s drill that fact in our minds and

hearts.  This fact should be what our actions show we are knowledgeable

of.  To do this, we would uphold the law of God.  Sin is a violation of the

law.  ! John 3:4).  Everyone who sins breaks the law.  In fact, sin is lawlessness.

God is god.  You shall not murder.  (Exodus 20:13).  Let us be that sin’s assailants

by not committing it.  Let us put other gods before God.  Let’s be that sin’s

assailants.  Let us bow down to other gods.  Let us be that sin’s assailant.  Let’s

commit child abuse.  We must be assailants of that sin, because the children are

the future.  Some people are jealous of other people.  Let’s be that emotion’s,

(which is a sin), assailant.  Some people show revenge towards other people,

when God says, “Vengeance is mine.   (Romans 12:19)  Do not take revenge,

my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written, “It is mine to avenge.

I will repay, “ says the Lord.  The only assailants needed are of sin.  Let it be us.

                                              Ki Radiance

                                             Wednesday January 20, 2016

                                            9:35 p.m. c Copyright-All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Walk This Road Together

                                    Walk This Road Together

                                     Written By Ki Radiance


                                  “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                                Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     These four words should ignite some strength in our hearts: Walk This Road Together.

We can’t expect to advance ourselves if we walk this road together, because we are all

one.  Spiritually speaking, no one has successfully walked this road alone.  When two walk

together down a road, when one falls, the other can help the other up.  I pity the one who

walks alone.  We live in Satan’s world, so we must stay grounded and not let Satan snatch

the word of God from our hearts.  (Luke 8:12)  Those along the path are the one’s  who hear,

and the devil comes and takes the word from their hearts, so that they will not believe and

be saved.  We must encourage each other in the word of God.  (1 Peter 3:8-9)  Finally, all of

you, live in harmony with each other, be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate

and humble.  Do not repay evil with evil, or insult with insult, but with blessings because to

this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.  So now we see what walking this

road together produces: love, which is God.

                                                      Ki Radiance

                                                     Saturday December 26, 2015

                                                     12:45 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved



Saturday, January 16, 2016

Stand On God's Word

     This is the most powerful position we could ever be standing on:  God's word.  God's

word is powerful and effective, is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in

righteousness.  (Hebrews 4:2).  We have problems everyday and we find answers  to them

in the BIBLE, releasing, "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  I FEAR God because

I, (Fully Examine All Results) of what God says, because he speaks things into being. 

(Romans 4:17)  As it is written:  I have hade you a father of many nations.  He is our father

in the sight of God, in whom he believed the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that

aren't as though they were.  This is the only power that won't lose strength.  He whose love

for us there is no question.  This is a standing where we must remain unmovable: standing on

God's word.

     I'm a writer whose literature can be backed up with scripture because God's word is written on my

heart.  He's n my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  I'm a disciple, (student of Jesus)

who hides God's word in my heart.  (Psalm 119:11) I have hidden your words in my heart that

I may not sin against you.  (Psalm119:37)  Turn my eyes away from worthless things.  Preserve

my life according to your word.  Your word, dear Lord, is my concentration.  You are the Alpha

and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  (Rkevelations 1:8)  Our every footstep must mirror

Christ' footsteps who is the image of God.  God will give us the desires of our hearts if we uphold his

word.  Delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.  (Psalm37:4)  God's word

is our protection and for our sake, we must stand on in.

                                             Ki radiance
                                             Saturday January 16, 2016
                                             11:09 p.m c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 14, 2016

One Monkey Don't Stop No Show

                                              One Monkey Don’t Stop

                                                             No Show

                                                Written By Ki Radiance


                                         “Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE”

                                    (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                                      Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     I had a seizer, (so my therapist says).  We were out walking at a store when

this happened.  I couldn’t remember anything, but thank God she got me home.

She was worried and called my sister, who soon arrived after.  Of course, much

concern was in their hearts, but when I was notified of what happened, I was

fine and wondered why we couldn’t  finish walking and shopping?   I give all my

worries and concerns  to God, which shows I have faith in God.  Not saying that

they didn’t.  (1 Peter 5:7)  Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.

Conditions aren’t my god.  God is my god who heals all my wounds.  One monkey

don’t stop no show.  This is guaranteed, we will all have monkeys on our backs

for the rest of our lives.  It’s just about who we depend on for the recoveries.  We’re

commanded to walk by faith, not by sight.  (2 Corinthians 5:7).  It’s up to us to have

faith, which shows where God is placed in our lives.  And without faith it is impossible

to please God.  (Hebrews 11:6).  One monkey don’t stop no show. 

     Everything has to get permission from God to happen.  Monkeys are things and

people who stands against God.  But he is almighty.  (Revelations 11:17)  Saying,

“We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because

you have taken your great power and have began to reign.  The monkey of life is

constantly on my back, presenting me with many trials and tribulations.  But when I give them

all to God, he is the show they can’t stop.  God is Almighty.  (Psalm 147:5).  Great is our Lord and

mighty in power, his understanding has no limit.  God is the Creator of all.  How can the clay, which

we are, teach the pottery anything, who is God?  Jesus Christ, (who is the creator of all.  (Colossians

1:16). For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether

thrones or powers or rulers or authorities.  And in him all things hold together.

                                                        P.S.  God shows us many things.  Many powerful lessons every day.

 We are a monkey who puts our hands in God’s creation.  But we don’t stop anything God has already

ordained to happen.

                                                   Ki Radiance

                                             Friday April 10, 2015

                                             8:50 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

                                             Reality Shows How Far We
                                                        Have T o Go

                                              Written By Ki Radiance

                                           "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"
                                         (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential
                                          Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     What does the word, "Reality" mean?  It shows how far we have to  go.  Some people are still killing,

which started with Cain and Abel.  That's occurring everyday.  Some people get jealous of  other people.

Like Cain killed Abel..  That's occurring everyday.  Reality shows how far we we have to go..  Reality is a

state of mind.  It shows us what's real.  We need to mentally absorb all of that information  Some people lie

themselves .  Cover up the truth in themselves.  Some people don't learn to disagree without fighting.  That's

how far  we have to go. Some people can't learn how to love people, that shows how far we have to go.

I say ,''We" because we are all one.  If conditions effect one of us, it effects us all.  Reality shows how far

we have to go.  Actions speak loud than words.  We live in the united states.  To live up to that name, we

must learn how far we have to go.. So pa attention.

                                                                  Ki Radiance
                                                                  Friday January 1, 2013
                                                                  9:30 c Copyright- All Rights Reserved


Patience: Acceptinng God's Timing

     Some people don't have this power in their lives:  Patience.  Patience is a power because it's a

quality of God's. When we show patience in our lives,we're accepting God's timing. When people

steal, they're not accepting God's timing, which is when they can afford the desired items.  Patience

is accepting God's timing because nothing happens unless God makes them happen or allows them

to happen.  Some people are in jail because they didn't accept God's timing.  Some girls get pregngant

because they didn't accept God's timing.  We can't Rush God.  The world is in conditions it is in

because we don't accept God's timing.  God says, "Don't be anxious for nohing, but in everything,

by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests before God.  We're all called to have

patience.  Since we're called by God to have patience, because we're called to be the image of

Christ, because Christ is the image of almighty God, there are rewards we will receive.  When

people are patient, they're showing God they trust he knows the right time for everything. 

Everything happens when and if they're supposed to happen, and only God determines that.  So

we must show patience.

                                             Ki Radiance
                                             Wednesday December 30, 2015
                                              5:00 p.m. Copyright- All Rights Reserved