Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Patience: Acceptinng God's Timing

     Some people don't have this power in their lives:  Patience.  Patience is a power because it's a

quality of God's. When we show patience in our lives,we're accepting God's timing. When people

steal, they're not accepting God's timing, which is when they can afford the desired items.  Patience

is accepting God's timing because nothing happens unless God makes them happen or allows them

to happen.  Some people are in jail because they didn't accept God's timing.  Some girls get pregngant

because they didn't accept God's timing.  We can't Rush God.  The world is in conditions it is in

because we don't accept God's timing.  God says, "Don't be anxious for nohing, but in everything,

by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests before God.  We're all called to have

patience.  Since we're called by God to have patience, because we're called to be the image of

Christ, because Christ is the image of almighty God, there are rewards we will receive.  When

people are patient, they're showing God they trust he knows the right time for everything. 

Everything happens when and if they're supposed to happen, and only God determines that.  So

we must show patience.

                                             Ki Radiance
                                             Wednesday December 30, 2015
                                              5:00 p.m. Copyright- All Rights Reserved


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