Saturday, January 16, 2016

Stand On God's Word

     This is the most powerful position we could ever be standing on:  God's word.  God's

word is powerful and effective, is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in

righteousness.  (Hebrews 4:2).  We have problems everyday and we find answers  to them

in the BIBLE, releasing, "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  I FEAR God because

I, (Fully Examine All Results) of what God says, because he speaks things into being. 

(Romans 4:17)  As it is written:  I have hade you a father of many nations.  He is our father

in the sight of God, in whom he believed the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that

aren't as though they were.  This is the only power that won't lose strength.  He whose love

for us there is no question.  This is a standing where we must remain unmovable: standing on

God's word.

     I'm a writer whose literature can be backed up with scripture because God's word is written on my

heart.  He's n my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  I'm a disciple, (student of Jesus)

who hides God's word in my heart.  (Psalm 119:11) I have hidden your words in my heart that

I may not sin against you.  (Psalm119:37)  Turn my eyes away from worthless things.  Preserve

my life according to your word.  Your word, dear Lord, is my concentration.  You are the Alpha

and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  (Rkevelations 1:8)  Our every footstep must mirror

Christ' footsteps who is the image of God.  God will give us the desires of our hearts if we uphold his

word.  Delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.  (Psalm37:4)  God's word

is our protection and for our sake, we must stand on in.

                                             Ki radiance
                                             Saturday January 16, 2016
                                             11:09 p.m c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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