Our Characters Determine Our Fate
This is one reason why we must be careful with the characters we harbor within ourselves.
Our characters determine our fate. We reap what we so. (Galatians 6: 7-8). Do not be
deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to
please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction. The one who sows to
please the spirit will reap eternal life. I'm a positive person, always have a smile on
my face. A lady who I went swimming with asked me, "Why do you smile all the
time? I proudly answered, "Because God hasn't given me a reason to frown." I
don't worry about things because I give my problems to God. If I did worry, that
would mean I don't trust him, which I do. I'ma positive person, andI receive l
positive returns. I'm determined in everything I do. My smile brightens other
people's day. People are attracted to me because Christ' spirit is in me.
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