Tuesday, October 18, 2016

                          Success Is A Resume Of Faith

                                       Written By Ki Radiance 


                           "Sunshine,  DEEP, & SMILE"

                           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

                            Simple Motion In  Love 

     Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence. of things not
seen.  (Hebrews 11:1). Every success we experience is a resume of faith.

I always got positive responses of literature I write because I listen to God's

voice, which is where my literature comes from.  I was successful in getting 

my book published because I constantly wrote different things pieces of literature.

I diligently searched for publishers, read my literature to family and friends

to see what kind  of responses I would get.  They all were amazed and 

impressed.  People who read my literature told me they were deep.  They're

deep because I can't stand shallowness.   If I don't make people stop and

think about actions they perform, words they speak, I haven't done my job

as a writer: to enlighten people on our responsibilities to improve our walks

of humanity, which is desperately needed.  The only cure is God and

following his Son, Jesus Christ.  The image of God.  

     Success is a resume of faith.  How far is faith ridden out in our

hearts says how much we want success in our lives.  Faith is what

pleases God.  (Hebrews 11:1)  And without faith it is impossible to

please God.  Our success are resumes of our faith.  Our failures

are results of our lack of faith.  Which results do we want in our

lives?  We must walk by faith.  Not by sight.  (2 Corinthians 5:7)  We live by

not by sight.  Since success is a result of faith, the whole world must have

faith.  (2 Corinthians:5-7)  We live by faith, not by sight.  (James2:17)  When

we fill out a resume, what should be our first accomplishment?  Success,

because that is a resume of faith.

                        Ki Radiance
                        Tuesday October 12, 2016
                        10:24 p.m.  c Copyright- All Rights Reserved000

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