Thursday, December 22, 2016

Chosen Vessel

                                 Chosen Vessel

                                Written By Ki Radiance


                               "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                            (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

                             Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

With my talent in writing, I'm a chosen vessel.  I capture most people's

attention by declaring', "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life."  ((John 14:5). Jesus answered,

"I am the way, the truth, and the life."  My literature can be backed up with scripture because

God's word is written on my heart.  God is on my mind twenty-four hours, seven days a week.

Everyday and night I communicate with God.  Some people tell me my literature is deep,

reaching depths of their hearts.  They're deep because I can't stand shallowness.  If I don't

see that spark in people's eyes, (those who read my literature) I haven't done my job as a

writer: Change perspectives of people to God.  I write for other people, not for myself

because God has given me what I need.  I am a chosen vessel.  Handpicked to grow

in the Lord everyday of my life.  I'm not the same person I was yesterday, and that's

because I am a chosen vessel.

                             Ki Radiance c Copyright-All Rights Reserved,

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