Thursday, May 11, 2017

Write To Fight

                                  Write To Fight

                                   Written By Ki Radiance


                                    (Sunshine,, DEEP, & SMILE)

                               "Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,

                               Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

                 Everyday and night I write about things I see and hear about.  I communicate

with God when I write, because scriptures are written on my heart.  He's on my mind

twenty-four hours, seven days a week.  I write about our interactions with each other,

(which are destructive)  I want to be a mirror to the world, so we can see actions we perform

and hear words we speak, and that we're  responsible for it's conditions.  I write to disclose,

"We don't fight against flesh and blood, but against spirit and principalities.  (Ephesians 6:12).

Writing isn't a pastime of mine, it's a source of power, because I hear God's voice.  I write

to fight the world, because it doesn't have anything I desire.  This world is not my home,

I'm just passing through.  That's why we should store our treasures up in heaven, where

they won't spoil, rot, or fade away.  (Matthew 6:20)   There's nothing in the world my

weapon, (writing) hasn't dissected.  I want to change the world before I leave it through

my literature.  I punch, kick, slap, tackle, wrestle, and slam dunk with the words I write.

But these punches, kicks, slaps, tackles, wrestling, and slam dunks are spiritual, and

that's what I'm determined to protect, our spirits.

                               Ki Radiance
                               Thursday May 4, 2017
                               9:15 p.m. c- Copyright-All Rights Reserved

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