Thursday, September 21, 2017

Let Go, To Grow

                             Let Go To Grow 

                            Written By Ki Radiance


                          "Sunshine  DEEP, & SMILE "

                      (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                      Simple Motion In Love Eternally

     We desperately need to let go of the past to grow in the 

present and mostly in the future.  Some people may have 

persisted in hurting the other people, but we must remember 

God says', "Vengeance is mine."  (Romans 12:19)  Do not 

take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's 

wrath, for it is written, "It is mine to avenge: I will repay.

That's why we must let go to let God do as he will.  We

can't control other people, mostly only ourselves.  What's 

happened in the past will never be seen again.  God allows 

things to happen because he's asking, in my opinion, "Do

you trust me?  Because no one knows the mind of God.

He may be asking, "Do you trust me?    This is what God asks 

with everything that happens to us, "Do you trust me?  If we

do, it wouldn't hard to let go.  

     When we are backed up into a wall with no where to go, scared

out of our minds, God asks, "Do you trust me?  That's when we must 

let go to grow.  Give our problems to God.  It says in the bible, "Give

all your worries and concerns to God, because he cares for you".  (

Peter 5:7). We must let go to grow.  First  grow in the Lord, then grow

within ourselves and our walks of life.  This world holds nothing we want,

so it shouldn't be hard to let go in order for us to grow.

                                Ki Radiance 

                                Saturday September 16, 2017

                                10:52 a.m. c Copyright

Let Us Pray

                           Let Us Pray

                      Written By Shakira Jones


                  "Sunshine, DEEP & SMILE"

                  (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                  Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

 These three words are the most important words, (next to "God is good",

 "Let Us Pray", those of us who do pray.  When we pray, we're communicating

with God.  The BIBLE releases, "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  

The Bible is how God talks to us.  When we pray, that's how we

talk to God.  When you ask God for what you want, he will give

you the desires of your heart.  When we pray, we are vulnerable

to God, waiting in expectation to receive what we asked for.  God

says, "Ask and ye shall receive.  If every word we spoke was a prayer,

just think of the kind of world we'd live in.

     Let us pray.  When our emotions get the best of us, erupts with a

vengeance, let us pray.  When fathers turn against sons, let us pray.

When mothers turn against daughters, let us pray.  Prayer is the force

that cures all.  When we pray, we come before God.  He is all powerful,

gentle, compassionate, holy, and sincere. We don't know what tomorrow

will bring, but all we can do is pray God will show us (GRACE). "God's

Response At Christ' Expense."  Make prayer a part of our daily walks

of life.  So I demand this of us all:  Let Us Pray.

            Ki Radiance

             Tuesday September 19, 2017

           10:44 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights ReservedLet U

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Prayers Sent Up

                      Prayers Sent Up

               Written By Ki.Radiance


           "Sunshine, DEEP, SMILE"

         (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


         Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

We need these powers in our lives everyday: Prayers.  Praying is

how we communicate with God.  The BIBLE is how he communicates

with us.   Reality happens so we will communicate with God.  The BIBLE

releases, "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  There's always something

to pray about, which secures our dependence on God.  Prayers sent up shows

God we trust him with our problems.  Give all your worries and concerns to God,

because he cares for you.  Give all your worries and concerns to God because

he cares for you.  (1 Peter 5:7).  At work I cried because of the Hurricane that

occurred in Atlanta.  I know it happened on the other side of the world, but if

it affects one of us, it affects us all.

      We have to pray for what we want.  God will give us the desires of our

hearts.  (Psalm 37:4)  Take delight in the Lord and  he will give you the desires

of your heart.  Let's send our prayers up and leave them there.  Enough said.

                      Ki Radiance
                     Wednesday September 13, 2017
                     8:15 a.m.  c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Can't Understand Because Don't Stand

                          Can't Understand


                               Don't Stand

                    Written By Ki Radiance


             "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

It's impossible to understand God's laws if we don't stand on them.  Some people

don't understand why they shouldn't bow down to other gods.  God says in (Exodus

23:24). Do not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a

jealous God, punishing the children to the third and fourth generation of those who

hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and

keep my commandments.  They don't understand it because they don't stand on the law.

Some people don't understand why they should work six days a week.  (Exodus 20:9)

Six days you shall labor and do all your work.  That's because they don't stand

on that law .  Some people don't understand the seventh day is a Sabbath to the

Lord, and should be kept holy.  They shouldn't work on that day.  They can't understand

that law because they don't stand on that law.  Some people don't understand why they

shouldn't desire thy neighbor's wife.  (Deuteronomy 5:21). Because they don't stand

on that law.  What we don't understand is what we don't stand on.  Let's turn that

around to be what we can't understand we dissect until we do understand and

can hold power in the process.

                                       Ki Radiance
                    Sunday September 3,  2017
                    9:22 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

Pulses Of Humanity

                               Pulses Of  Humanity

                             Written By Ki Radiance 


                           "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                       (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                        Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    From time to time we need to take these: pulses

of humanity.  Every action we perform contributes

to them.  Like when some people in cars leave room 

for other cars to drive in front of their cars.  Presently 

some people are selfish, child molesters, robbers, murderers,

and the like.  One question, "Have we taken our pulses today?

Some people abuse the elderly.  What are the pulses of respect 

for the elderly?  The pulses of humanity.  The pulse of humanity

are condensing to smaller amounts.

     The pulse of humanity is racing, it's at a dangerous beating

speed and levels.  Are we awake yet?  Well, actions speak louder

than words.  What are our pulses of humanity.  What are we doing 

about our pulses of humanity, which are detrimental to our existences?

This is Satan's world, who is currently sitting on the throne.  Humanity 

is running a temperature of death, which is seen and experienced 

everyday.  Humanity is coughing because of some people gossiping 

about other people, which divides them to no end.  What is our pulse?

Some people's pulses are running dangerously high because their 
compassion for people are hardly expressed

or experienced.  Presently our pulses of humanity 

are hardly existing because everyone is looking out

for themselves.  Do we have a pulse?  Our actions 

says if we do.  A pulse is having a heart that puts

other wants and needs before our own.  Do we have

a pulse?  Our actions can only determine that.  Pulses

are one of the greatest things God ever gave us, because it 

makes sure we're alive.  What's  are the pulses of humanity?

Everyday that passes our pulses are elevating to dangerous 

temperatures.  We have freewill.  A gift given to us from God.

The pulses aren't God's fault, because he has no faults.  The 

faults are ours because we have no regard for God.  Because

we all fall short of the glory of God.  (Romans 3:23)  The blood 

of Christ makes our sins as white as snow.  (Isaiah 1:18).   

Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord, though your sins

are red like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they

be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool.  Because now some

people don't have pulses, because they don't know God.  So this

be and is the pulse of humanity: if we know and love God.

             To love God is to keep his commandments.

        (1 John 5:3)  

                           Ki Radiance 

                           Saturday September 2, 2017

                      c Copyright-All Rights Reserved 


Run To The Rock

          Our every encounter with each other screams loudly, "Run To The Rock."

We face trials and tribulations to prove who's side we're on.  Who do we trust?

Actions speak louder than words.  When we have arguments with each other,

we must run to the rock.  Some people have fights with other people because

they have disagreements, but they must run to the rock.  Understand we all

have different views of life, and we act as we do.  Because of this,  conflict

stir up, which are times we must run to the rock. God is the rock, who is

almighty, all knowing, compassionate, gracious, holy, gentle, and patient.

We run to the rock by reading the (BIBLE) "Basic Instructions Before Leaving

Earth."  God is his word.  There is no one who is higher than he is.  He is the

Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. (Revelations 22:13)  Our

God is a jealous God.   We face trials and tribulations so we will run to the rock.

                             Ki Radiance
                             Friday September 1, 2017
                             6:52 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved