Thursday, September 21, 2017

Let Us Pray

                           Let Us Pray

                      Written By Shakira Jones


                  "Sunshine, DEEP & SMILE"

                  (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                  Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

 These three words are the most important words, (next to "God is good",

 "Let Us Pray", those of us who do pray.  When we pray, we're communicating

with God.  The BIBLE releases, "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."  

The Bible is how God talks to us.  When we pray, that's how we

talk to God.  When you ask God for what you want, he will give

you the desires of your heart.  When we pray, we are vulnerable

to God, waiting in expectation to receive what we asked for.  God

says, "Ask and ye shall receive.  If every word we spoke was a prayer,

just think of the kind of world we'd live in.

     Let us pray.  When our emotions get the best of us, erupts with a

vengeance, let us pray.  When fathers turn against sons, let us pray.

When mothers turn against daughters, let us pray.  Prayer is the force

that cures all.  When we pray, we come before God.  He is all powerful,

gentle, compassionate, holy, and sincere. We don't know what tomorrow

will bring, but all we can do is pray God will show us (GRACE). "God's

Response At Christ' Expense."  Make prayer a part of our daily walks

of life.  So I demand this of us all:  Let Us Pray.

            Ki Radiance

             Tuesday September 19, 2017

           10:44 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights ReservedLet U

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