Thursday, September 7, 2017

Run To The Rock

          Our every encounter with each other screams loudly, "Run To The Rock."

We face trials and tribulations to prove who's side we're on.  Who do we trust?

Actions speak louder than words.  When we have arguments with each other,

we must run to the rock.  Some people have fights with other people because

they have disagreements, but they must run to the rock.  Understand we all

have different views of life, and we act as we do.  Because of this,  conflict

stir up, which are times we must run to the rock. God is the rock, who is

almighty, all knowing, compassionate, gracious, holy, gentle, and patient.

We run to the rock by reading the (BIBLE) "Basic Instructions Before Leaving

Earth."  God is his word.  There is no one who is higher than he is.  He is the

Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. (Revelations 22:13)  Our

God is a jealous God.   We face trials and tribulations so we will run to the rock.

                             Ki Radiance
                             Friday September 1, 2017
                             6:52 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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