Thursday, October 5, 2017

Prayers Without Works is Dead

                       Prayers Without Works

                                   Is Dead

                   Written By Ki Radiance


                 "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"."


               (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                 Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

 This scripture is definite and existences prove it's true:  Prayer

without works is dead.  Some people experience realities officials Prayers Wi

this scripture in their lives.  They pray to God asking for what

they want, but don't perform actions that they already have what

they prayed for.  That's showing God we are faithful he will

give us the desires of our hearts.  I had an interest in writing

when I was in the eighth grade.  I wanted to be a writer who

touched people's hearts all around the world.  I displayed my

literature on the Internet.  I have a blog where everyone could

read them.  I have many readers from all around the world.  Get

God's word out to the world, because they're not mine to keep,

but mine to spread.

     God's word is powerful and effective, is useful for teaching,

correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness. Some people

always ask me, "Why do you only write about God?"  I proudly

said, "Because He's the only thing worth writing about."  I can't

say this enough to where it will be something we will put into

action.  Prayer without works is dead.  If we don't put actions towards

what we pray for, that shows how much we want what we prayed for.

Through prayer is how we talk to God.  Through us reading the, "BIBLE"

(Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) is how God speaks to us.  Our

world is desperate for prayer.  But some people don't perform actions of

what we, (people who look forward to progression in God's blessings) pray

for.  So if we want blessings that aren't dead, we must perform actions that

proves we do.

                                   Ki Radiance

                                   Sunday October 1, 2017

                                   7:12 a.m. c Copyright-  All Rights ReservedP

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