Thursday, December 28, 2017

Happy New Year

             G O S P E L
             o u   e e v. o
             d   t   r  r e v
             s'  s.   v  f  r e
                t   i   e
                t   c. c
                   e , t
               n  s.  i
               n  s.  n
               d.      g

           Written By Ki Radiance


            "Sunshine, DEEP.  & SMILE"

           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


            Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     It's spiritual harmony is absurd in God-fearing people's hearts.  The (GOSPEL)

"God's Outstanding Services Perfecting Everlasting Love."  When it's. Lyrics make

music in our ears,  our hearts are inspired to reach out to others with the love that

only comes from God above.  He speaks to us through every word harmonized with

music we create.   Everything we do, we accomplish through God's love for us, that

is if the accomplishments are good, because God is good.  We can stand perfect in God's

sight because our sin's are white as snow, due to the death of God's Son, Jesus Christ.

That's God's way of serving us.  Allowing His Son, (Jesus Christ) who had no sin to be

sin for us.  To take our places on the cross.  When there was no hope of me surviving

the accident I was in at seven years old.  God's love was and is my salvation.  I truly

hold onto the GOSPELl everyday of my life, because it gives birth to awesome realities

of love, which truly are reflections of God.

                P.S.  Hold Onto The GOSPEL

                  Ki Radiance

                 Thursday December 28, 2017

                 2:25 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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