Thursday, January 25, 2018

Write To Right What's Wrong

                      Write, Right, Wrong

                      Written By Ki Radiance


              "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

           (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


           Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     I write everyday and night to right what's wrong in the world.  So we can 

see our actions and that we're responsible for how it stands.  I write to right 

what's wrong in the world.  I write about sexual harassment and the degrading 

positions it puts us in.  I write about what's happening around the world.  I write 

deep literature inspired by God.  My literature is deep because I can't stand 

shallowness.  I want to introduce the world to Jesus Christ, (the image of God).

I write to right what's wrong in the world.  My literature can be backed up with 

God's word, because his word is written on my heart.  He's on my mind twenty-

four hours, seven days a week.  I write to right what's wrong in the world.  Attention 

is what I'm determined to catch for the world's benefit.  So we won't be surprised when 

trouble comes, but prepared for them.

     My ears are attractive to what's happening around the world, so I won't be

taken by surprised of what's coming towards me.  I write to right what's wrong

about everything, the Ten Commandments aren't upheld in nothing.  Some people

may say I'm nosy, but how can I write about things if I don't know what's wrong

with them to make them right?  So knowledge is a good thing to have, and that's

why I write: to obtain it.

                       Ki Radiance
    Thursday January 18, 2018

    Copyright- All Rights Reserved 

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