Thursday, November 1, 2018

Grass: Not Under My F wet

                             Grass: Not Under My Feet

    I stay active everyday to prevent this from occurring: grass growing

under my feet.  I'm active at work for this particular prevention.  I may

be physically seated the days and hours I work ,but my mind and my

spirit are actively moving and persisting to be productive.  Grass is

beautiful to look at, but is of no use when production is necessary.

When I woke up from a coma I was in for three months after I was

 hit by a car, I was very determined and wouldn't allow anyone to do

anything for me because I knew God didn't restore my life to be

dependent on no one who was no higher than I was.  I don't recognize

 grass with the steps I take because I never give it time to grow.  I

discontinued my college education in 1995.  I got a job and continued

talking about returning.

     Five years after, I took assessment of my life. I, with the help

of a dear friend of mine, went to the college and readmitted myself.

I was moving in faith because nothing was planned.  Success is

guaranteed to occur with me because I have faith in God and there

is no sight of grass under my feet.

                                    Ki Radiance
                                   Sunday July 1, 2001

                                  10:05 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights Reserved G

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