Thursday, November 1, 2018

Teach Me How To Love

                           Teach Me How To


                       Written By Ki Radiance

                        "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                   (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                   Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

     Being taught how to do things either encourages love or hate.  Caring

about other people's feelings.  I can only be taught how to love by God, be-

cause he is love.  I need to exude a teachable spirit within myself.  All I have

to do is thoroughly read the bible and apply those directions in my life.  Examine

all the times God forgave people of their sins.  Every time God showed patience

when I was slow in catching onto what he was commanding us to do.  His patience

is the ultimate expression of love.! because we sin everyday.  Every time I have

lustful thoughts running through my head, teach me how to love.  When I see

people on the steer begging for food or money, teach me how to love.  Prostituting

themselves, teach me how to love.  Dealing  drugs, killing, stealing, beating, raping,

and other ungodly actions.  Teach me hoy to love and I will know how to live.  Teach

me how to love.  Love is the fruit of the spirit.

          Philippians 4:8@

     Finally, brothers, whatever is true.  Whatever is noble.  Whatever is right.  Whatever

is  pure.  Whatever is lovely.  Whatever is admirable.  If anything is excellent or praise-

worthy, think about such things.  (Galatians 5:22-25. But the fruit of the spirit.  Love..

Joy.  Peace.  Patience.  Kindness.  Goodness.  Faithfulness.  Gentleness, and self

control.  Against such things, there is no law.  Those who belong to Christ JesusT

have crucified the sinful nature with it's passions and desires.  Dear Lord, with

my emotions of jealousy , hatred, envy, revenge, neglect  and many other emotions

as such.  Teach me how to love.  With your forgiveness, compassion, patience, hope

you give me.  Blessings you give me.  Dreams you made come true, examples of

how to live.  Those examples are of,love and I'm so grateful and honored that's what

you teach me: how to love.

                            Ki Radiance
                           Wednesday December 19, 2007

                           9:45 c Copyright-All Rights Reserved

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