Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Aiming To Beat Myself

                            Aiming To Beat Myself

                            Written By Ki Radiance


                           "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                     (Delivering Excellent Expanding Potential,


                       Simple Motion In Love Eternally)

    With every piece of literature I write, I'm aiming to beat myself.

Beat myself by impacting people's hearts.  I'm aiming to beat myself

by removing myself where Christ' spirit will reside in me.  I'm aiming to

to eliminate existences of my, (FLESH) within  myself.  "False Lessons

Eating Salvation's Honor."  Jesus Christi is my example of how to live.

I'm tired of walking around in the dark, so I'm using the word of God as

a lamp for my feet so I won't slip and fall.  Everyday I put on the armor

of God, shielding me from Satan's flaming darts of fire.  I'm aiming to

beat myself with keeping my mind set on Jesus, (image of God).  Keep

my mind on heavenly things, not on earthly things.

     Let Christ be the constant in my life.  When I'm beaten, I will only

speak words of encouragement.  My ears will be closed to gossip

(as well as no gossip preceding from my mouth.  My thoughts will

be pure.  When I look in the mirror and I see reflections of Jesus

Christ'.I know I've achieved what I aimed to accomplish: beat myself.

                                  Ki Radiance

                                  Monday October 22, 2018

                                   9:52 p.m. c Copyright- All Rights ReservedàaQQaQq

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