Thursday, October 25, 2018

I'm Beautiful Because My Example Is Is Beautiful

                                            I'm Beautiful
                                            Because My

                                      Example Is Beautiful

                                    Written By Ki Radiance


                                   "Sunshine, DEEP, & SMILE"

                              (Delivering Excellent Expanding
                                                 ,   &

                               Simple Motion in Love Eternally)

       I extend myself to other people everyday.  Some days I'en Ki

extended my wheelchair to people who were in need.  One manager

came out where I was sitting in my wheelchair where I was taking

tickets and said, "Yeah, someone fell in a theater."  Knowing we

didn't have any wheelchairs there because some people took ours,

I immediately said, Here take mine."  The manager surprisingly asked,

"What about you baby?"  I proudly said, " I'll be okay, God gave the

ability to walk, and the heart to give away when there's reed."  He

replied, "Oh bless your heart."  There was another time a man

needed a wheelchair and I extended mine to him.  I worked on the

floor on my hands and knees.  Co workers asked me, "why would

you give your wheelchair away.?"  I confidently responded. "Why wouldn't I

I give it away?  They need it more than I do.  I can walk, they can't..

     One day reporters from the newspaper came to do an interview with

me on my kindness I extended to other people.  Some people tell me at

work' "You have this glow in you that radiates to other people."  I esteem
hat glow to be, "God's Labor Of Wisdom ". The only credit I take for this

is the imitation.  Jesus is the example.  Jesus is beautiful because he fed

five thousand people with two loaves of bread.  He rose a woman's son

from the dead.  Jesus Christ imitates his father God Almighty, who is

beautiful himself, which makes me beautiful too.

                           Ki Radiance
                           Friday March 20, 2009

                           3:40 p.m. c- Copyright- All Rights Reserved

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